Part-Time Parking Program

If you only visit campus 1-2 times per week, the Part-Time Parking (PTP) program may be a good fit for you.

Part-Time Parking (PTP) provides a reduced-cost public parking option for those who need campus parking on an occasional basis. The program provides an unlimited number of entries and exits in a 24-hour period from the first entry on a space-available basis. Purchases do not expire.

Part-Time Parking can be purchased via credit card by calling or visiting our main office.


University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and graduate/professional students with a 95xx job code are eligible to purchase the program. Prior to purchasing the program, any existing active parking contracts must be canceled.



Participating locations

Part-Time Parking is not available at Fourth Street Ramp on Football gamedays.

This program is limited to participating gated locations and subject to space availability. Parking is not guaranteed at participating locations. Access may be blocked if the Reservation-Only sign is on or the facility is full. Reciprocal and Off-Peak parking privileges do not apply to the program.

Consider alternative transportation