Restricted Vehicle Zones

Restricted Vehicle Zones fall under the University of Minnesota Board of Regents' Traffic Regulation Ordinances which address the regulation of traffic and parking on all properties owned, leased, or occupied by the University of Minnesota.


No motor vehicle or other transportation device shall travel on the University Transitway except bicycles; motorized foot scooters; emergency vehicles; public works, maintenance and service vehicles; authorized transit carriers; and designated authorized vehicles.

Washington Avenue Transit/Bike/Walking Mall

Washington Avenue is closed to general traffic between Pleasant Street and Walnut Street. 

Only transit buses, light-rail trains, emergency vehicles, bicycles, and foot scooters are permitted on the Washington Avenue Transit/Bike/Walking Mall between Walnut and Church streets.

In this area, buses and trains will operate jointly on light-rail tracks at restricted speeds. Bicycles and emergency vehicles will share outside lanes.

Church Street Restricted Vehicle Zone (RVZ)

Church Street between Lilly Plaza Drive and Washington Avenue is designated as a “Restricted Vehicle Zone” (RVZ) for walking and bicycle access only from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Vehicle access is only available by pre-authorization. Access outside of RVZ hours continues to be limited to authorized vehicles only.

To accommodate those with delivery or service needs with locations along Church Street in the most accessible manner, a building-by-building plan has been developed to provide the most convenient access possible to campus buildings, considering the restrictions in place. Contact [email protected] for more information. 


Restricted Vehicle Zone (RVZ) Permit and Map

Delivery guidelines

  1. Generally, use parking and staging locations that do not require Church St RVZ access.
  2. For deliveries that require Church St RVZ access, obtain an RVZ permit.
  3. Purchase directly from U Market Services (UMS). Products will be delivered per RVZ permit rules.
  4. Coordinate delivery to the UMS warehouse with UMS providing final mile delivery to the building per RVZ permit rules.
  5. For special situations such as major furniture deliveries, coordinate with PTS.