What credentials can I use with my parking contract?

Ungated/Uncontrolled Parking Lots


If a parking lot does not have a gate, a hangtag is required to park there. Hangtags are directly associated with contracts when they are created and must be claimed at the PTS office before parking in the contract location.

If a contract holder forgets the hangtag:

  1. Park in any gated/controlled parking facility with available public parking access by taking a ticket.
  2. Submit the Request Validation Form with the ticket number.
  3. Once your contract has been verified, the ticket will be validated.
  4. When exiting, if the gate does not automatically raise, insert or scan the ticket.

Replacements for lost hangtags can be purchased at the PTS office with a credit card or cash for $20.

Stolen hangtags can be replaced for free if a police report is provided. If no police report is provided, a replacement can be purchased at the PTS office with a credit card or cash for $20.

Gated/Controlled Parking Facilities

View our contract parking guide video

If none of the access credentials listed below seem to work at a contract facility upon entrance, take a ticket. When exiting, press the help button. If credentials don’t seem to work upon exit, press the help button.

U Card & PTS Parking Card (PPC)

  • U Cards are the primary access credentials for University students and employees.
  • A PPC is an additional card that can be used to access contract parking facilities and can be purchased at the PTS office for $20 with a credit card or cash. A maximum of two PPCs can be linked to one contract.
  • UMP employees and departmental contracts do not have U Card access and must use a PPC.

Scan your U Card or PPC at the reader at a gate by holding it near the card reader. Do not wave the card.

License Plate Recognition Technology

The use of License Plate Reader (LPR) technology can reduce idle time during entry for contract holders and during exit for both contract holders and public visitors.

LPR should be considered a secondary access credential. U Cards and PPCs are the primary credentials.


Most individual student and faculty/staff contracts are eligible for the optional LPR feature. Shared contracts, such as departmental contracts, are not eligible for LPR.

How to Use

Contract holders can use the LPR form to link a maximum of two license plates to their contract. A license plate can only be linked to one contract.

Register, Update, or Remove a License Plate in the LPR System

If you can’t access the form, email parking@umn.edu.