If you forgot your hangtag
We no longer offer no-tags. If you forget your hangtag, please follow the guidelines below.
If you lost your hangtag
Please visit PTS with a credit card or exact cash (no change available) to purchase a replacement hangtag for $20. Because we no longer offer no-tags, please follow the guidelines below to park on campus if needed.
If your hangtag was stolen
Please visit PTS to claim a replacement hangtag. If you provide a police report, there will be no charge for the hangtag. If you don't have a police report, you can purchase the hangtag for $20 with a credit card or exact cash (no change available). Because we no longer offer no-tags, please follow the guidelines below to park on campus if needed.
Guidelines for non-hangtag parking
Please use the below information to park at the University on the day your hangtag is missing. Make sure to take action based on your situation as soon as possible.
- Park in any gated/controlled parking facility with available public parking access by taking a ticket.
- Submit the Request Validation Form with the ticket number.
- We receive immediate notification that the form has received a submission. Once your contract has been verified, the ticket will be validated.
- When exiting, if the gate does not automatically raise, insert or scan the ticket.