Theft Prevention

While no bike is completely theft-proof, there are ways to protect it.

Use a U Lock

U Lock
  • A U Lock is recommended as they generally provide the best theft prevention. A good guideline is to spend 10-20% of your bike's value on a lock (or locks). 
  • Add a cable to secure your tires in addition to your bike.

Register your bike

Checklist implying registration
  • When your bike is registered through the City of Minneapolis, there is a greater chance it will be returned to you if it is recovered. 
  • You'll need your contact information, bike model information, and bike serial number.

Keep it visible

  • Always park your bike in a designated bike parking area. The more visible your bike, the less likely it is to be tampered with. 
  • If you’ll be away for a while, consider using a bike shelter or locker contract for extra security.