Sunset panorama

Basic parking information, Public/Visitor Parking, Specialty Parking, Contract Parking, more.

Campus Connector and Circulator times, Transit Passes, Transit Services, Paratransit Service, more.

Bike Parking, Bike Lockers, Motorized Foot Scooters, Bike Center, Trails, Repair, more.

Gopher Way tunnels & skyways, 624-WALK Program, Skateboards, Estimated walking times, more.

East Bank Map, West Bank Map, St. Paul Map, Campus Specialty Maps, Directions to Campus and more.

Vehicle Rental, Vehicle Leasing, Maintenance Shop Services, Reporting an Accident, more.

PTS News & Alerts

Join us on Wednesday, July 31 - we aim to help you feel comfortable and confident riding in the city and on campus, all within a supportive group setting!

Get the latest updates on Hennepin County's Fourth Street project.

An upcoming construction project at the Gopher Lot will affect parking arrangements. We will begin adding additional lanes to the Gopher Lot and merging it with Lot 2. After construction, Lot 2 will no longer exist, and all contracts for Lot 2 will be converted to Gopher Lot contracts. 

Union Street SE will be closed to pedestrians, bikes, and vehicles while it is reconstructed from July 15, through August 2.