Winter Weather

If you live or work near the University of Minnesota campus, you should be aware of snow emergency rules specific to the University.

University Snow Emergencies 

University Snow Emergencies are transportation related events and are separate from campus closures, reduced operations, or class cancellations.

Different rules may go into effect depending on the amount of snowfall, ice, and temperatures. Less than one-inch of snow will generally not cause any response. For other amounts:

University Snow Emergency information and instructions are sent out when issued via email to campus parking contract holders, website post, and rider alerts.



  • Off-peak access is allowed when parking lots are being plowed. Vehicles from parking lots are required to move to the nearest structured facility before 8:00 p.m. After a parking lot is cleared, vehicles may return to the lot. 
  • Avoid parking on rooftops whenever possible. 
  • If you must remain in a parking lot overnight, park in stalls directly next to other vehicles and avoid parking spread out. This allows for the safest and most efficient plowing. 
  • If a heavy snowfall occurs quickly throughout the day, plows will open up access to drive aisles only in high priority facilities. Plan for extra time when leaving campus parking lots.


  • View University and Metro Transit Rider Alerts for any route impacts.
  • Download the GopherTrip app to track University bus locations and bus arrivals. 
  • Plan extra time and dress appropriately. 

Sidewalks, bike lanes, and roadways 

  • University FM Landcare units will remove snow and perform ice control on University sidewalks, bike lanes and roadways. Snow removal is prioritized by high traffic vehicular and pedestrian ways first. 
  • Walk on plowed surfaces when possible. Avoid walking and packing down snow on unplowed surfaces.

Additional resources